Goals of counselling

• Autonomous learning
• Individual basic competence
• Improved competence, talent development and finding an identity
• Learning optimization – brain-focused learning
• Enhancement of the basic sensory system
• Emotional stress reduction
• Recognition and removal of blockages, fragmentation and disorganisation
• Altering old behaviour patterns
• Actualisation of one’s own visions and goals / finding a vocation
• Increasing creativity
• Preparation for learning training and therapy




Subjects of counselling

Self-esteem and personality development
Inherited and adopted behaviour patterns
Stress factors
Learning behaviour: Spelling and reading comprehension, math skills
Scholastic pressure and test fears
Concentration and memory deficiencies
Initiative inhibitions
Perceptual disorders
Learning blockages and strategies
Social integration







Practical Pedagogics Method (P.P.)

Blockages are highlighted using feedback from a muscle testing system. Problems are solved, compensated for and balanced analogously with the aid of models. Kinesiology, the science of the interaction of muscular and body motion, is the basis of this work.



Transformation through Kinesiology

Transformational Kinesiology (TK) is a spiritual program in kinesiology which brings about a deepening of awareness.

Here one acknowledges the human being as a transpersonal being, whose real Higher Self is beyond the outer personality.

Working with the subtle energy levels of the human being – the spiritual, the mental and emotional – gives us the possibility to connect deeper with our core being, with our own karmic intentions, which thus gives us an insight in the wisdom and love that lies beyond that.

The application of spiritual wisdom and psychology we find in religions and philosophies in all big cultures. They allow us to go with the inner process, which is mostly about self-knowledge and changing one's own awareness, which leads us to a higher consciousness.

This is what the new age asks us to do.

TK is mostly interesting for people who are willing to find out more about themselves and the big questions of life.

It is beneficial for all those who want to design their lives and are ready to let go of physical, emotional and mental blocks.

Blocks and crisis are challenges and are the threshold to a life that has direction, where one is awake and aware of the goals. Dealing creatively with goal setting and balances through kinesiology, one can transform old ways of reacting so that actions become more conscious and will follow the intentions of the Higher Self, which means living in tune with one’s higher life-plan.

We learn to take our life in our own hands – completely and authentically – and are prepared to take responsibility of any changes in direction.

Each session will last 11&Mac218;2 – 2 hours.


Lifelines means rescue lines as well as life-lines in the sense of threads through one’s life.

This balance is dedicated to the individual life plan, which includes the patterns every lifeline follows, the red thread, the rescue line which shows us the path in those dark murky times on our journey through life.

These “nights” in our life come about through cosmic, rhythmical processes, e.g. through the cycle of Saturn with his return in one’s 29th year or the rhythm of the moonknot every 18 years 7 months and 9 days.

We often experience these phases as a crisis. The word crisis comes from the Greek word “crino” and means to decide. So one can say that times of a crisis are times when one has to make a decision. They give us the chance to profoundly change our life and that is not always easy to accept.

Growth and change are due to experience, through the process of maturing, which we go through in times of crisis. Every attempt to avoid the experience, every time we let a moment of decision-making pass by unaware, it will lead to repetition and delays in life.

Life-lines is a fabulous instrument to bring light onto one’s path in life and to unwrap all the gifts that stayed so far undiscovered and unopened. It is a journey through time, which takes the veil of the past, the present and the future and reveals these from a completely different viewpoint, the one from eternity.

This balance opens up the possibility to harvest the fruit of our life-experiences. Every crisis contains a lesson; its benefit we can integrate from then on in our life.

Each session will last 11&Mac218;2 – 2 hours.